Anfertigungen und Repa­raturen von Akustik­gitarren, E-Gitarren und Semi­akustik-Gitarren.

Anfertigungen und Repa­­raturen von Akustik­­gitarren, E-Gitarren und Semi­­akustik-Gitarren.

Fabrications and repairs of acoustic guitars, electric guitars and semiacoustic guitars.

KÖNIG GUITARS, that's us, the two skilled guitar builders Mario Brüggen and Robin König, who make electric, acoustic and semi-acoustic guitars and repair all kinds of guitars in their small manufactory in Wilhelmsburg, in the middle of Hamburg. With expertise, experience and dedication, we dedicate ourselves to the single pieces just like each of our 6 guitar models and the repairs and modifications to your instrument.

Anfertigungen und Repa­raturen von Akustik­gitarren, E-Gitarren und Semi­akustik-Gitarren.

KÖNIG GUITARS, that's us, the two skilled guitar builders Mario Brüggen and Robin König, who make electric, acoustic and semi-acoustic guitars and repair all kinds of guitars in their small manufactory in Wilhelmsburg, in the middle of Hamburg. With expertise, experience and dedication, we dedicate ourselves to the single pieces just like each of our 6 guitar models and the repairs and modifications to your instrument.

Anfertigungen und Repa­­raturen von Akustik­­gitarren, E-Gitarren und Semi­­akustik-Gitarren.

KÖNIG GUITARS, that's us, the two skilled guitar builders Mario Brüggen and Robin König, who make electric, acoustic and semi-acoustic guitars and repair all kinds of guitars in their small manufactory in Wilhelmsburg, in the middle of Hamburg. With expertise, experience and dedication, we dedicate ourselves to the single pieces just like each of our 6 guitar models and the repairs and modifications to your instrument.